
About Supreme Hospital



Super Specialty Tertiary Care Hospital

Supreme Hospital is a 225 bedded, 5 OT multi super specialty Tertiary care hospital, focusing on medical and surgical super specialties of neuro sciences, cardiac sciences, gastro sciences, renal sciences, critical care, ortho-trauma, mother and child, ophthalmic, ENT and many more. We are a patient centric organization, providing international quality healthcare by compassionate professionals at affordable price, in full compliance with international quality standards / guidelines. So the Supreme Hospital Is The Top Hospital In Faridabad.

When we are dedicated about healing the lives that have been entrusted to us, we ensure utmost care and comfort.

  • To provide healthcare services maintaining accountability in a responsible manner which contribute to the physical, psychological, social and spiritual well being of the patients and community which we serve.
  • To participate in the creation of Healthier lives within the community conforming to the requirements of our patient and customers round the clock and constantly measuring and striving to improve the outcome of our care and service. Supreme Hospital : Top Hospital In Faridabad
  • To create and sustain a work environment in which all participants are empowered and committed to continual quality improvements confirming the values of participation, acknowledgment, accountability, teamwork, integrity and respect. • Create the national model of care through relentless pursuit of unparalleled quality and value to the entire satisfaction of patient, customer and staff. Supreme Hospital : Top Hospital In Faridabad
  • To carry on educational and research activities related to the provision of care to the sick and injured or related to the promotion of health and continually rethink, reshape and redefine solution to healthcare challenges. Supreme Hospital Top Hospital In Faridabad.


A hospital that is fully alive to the pain and sufferings, sensitive to the concerns and worries of the patients as well as their attendants. A hospital dedicated to mitigate the sufferings and relieve the stress and anxiety by providing the services that are acceptable, affordable, safe and reliable. At Supreme we put the patient first in everything we do. No matter where in the hospital we work, we remember always that caring for the individual patient and his or her family is at the heart of our mission and our philosophy.


We adhere to an uncompromising code of ethics that emphasizes complete honesty, transparency and sincerity. Through our words and actions, we earn the complete trust of our patients and their families, our community and our coworkers. We seek to do the right thing, always and everywhere, in our day-to-day work and lives.


At Supreme Hospital, we continuously strive for excellence. We never stop learning and working to improve our skills, programs and services.


Supreme itself mean teamwork. We can only achieve our mission and goals by working together. Through the collective and coordinated efforts of our staff, we apply our diverse talents, backgrounds, ideas and experiences to create solutions and benefit patients. We value team success over individual success.


Compassion adds an element of stronger affective response and deeper awareness of the concrete reality of the patient’s “illness” experience. Compassionate care signifies an evolved human capacity which has a clear impact on patient outcomes and professional flourishing. We treat everyone with kindness, respect and dignity – the way I want to be treated

Weekly OPDs for BPL patients
Monthly distant medical camps
Monthly patient education programmes
Subsidised indoor pharmacy for BPL patients
School health programmes
Contribution in time of natural disasters
Initiative for safe traffic practices
Workshops on First-Aid / BLS
Loan facilities for stents and pacemakers
Subsidised treatment for needy and poors


  • We shall have a transparent billing for the patients by providing them the clear information about the charges.
  • We shall always respect and protect the rights of patients and provide clear information about the same to all of them.
  • We shall proactively & promptly help the patients and the visitors about their queries.
  • We shall have a regular feedback from the patients to have a prompt periodic check on our service deliverables through inputs from the users directly.
  • When things go wrong or fail, appropriate action is taken on the factors responsible for such failures and action taken to rectify the deficiencies. Complainants will also be informed of the action taken, if requested.
  • We shall follow the regulations applicable to the hospital and shall update the compliances as and when required.
  • We shall – to maintain a safe environment in the hospital – conduct periodic safety surveys of the facility and take necessary actions on the identified hazards.


Committees shall be formed to carry out their functioning as required by various policies of the hospital. The committees shall work towards addressing their purposes and shall adhere to various policies of the hospital.
The major decisions, review of data and trends and suggestions for improvement of quality are done by multidisciplinary committees consisting of representative members who have a stake in the concerned functions.


  • All committee should have Medical superintendent, Manager – Quality, Nursing superintendent; other members shall be selected from the concerned sections.
  • Committees shall meet at the frequency as defined in the document and as and when required
  • Committee shall discuss, implement and monitors the scope of activities identified for respective committees.
  • Chairman and Member Secretary of the committee shall bear the responsibility of committee functioning.
  • Each committee shall maintain a file to record their proceedings, decisions taken and instructions framed.
  • Committees shall record their proceedings, document minutes and monitor the implementation of decision taken. Minutes of the meeting circulated to committee members
  • Committees shall distribute the work amongst members as required and develop their own guidelines for functioning.
  • Necessary instructions shall be passed on to the relevant staff through circulars and a copy of all these shall be retained in committee’s file.
  • Hospital and staff are obliged to follow the instructions.

Working Process

How it helps you stay Healthy

Comfortable Care

Supreme Hospital Best Hospital In Faridabad, with a motto to provide Quality Healthcare at Affordable Costs.


Efficient admission process with speedy documentation and arrangement

Ethical Considerations

It is a part of the hospital’s work culture to show utmost respect for the patients

Healthy Environment

The hospital has a high level of hygiene and sanitation with high standard of cleanliness

Specialist Doctors

Experienced Doctor

Supreme Hospital's Mega Health Savings! 

Incredible Discounts Across Our Premium Services!

25% off on CT SCANS
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